03 March 2011

Night time shadows on open sand

I feel as in a sex fevered pipe dream of polarized dragons chasing mind shadows across a digital horizont of conflicting diagrams and clashing systems.
My mind is playing depth perception dreams on me. Hand quivering, extended forwards, I cannot grasp what is in from of me. It is as if its beyond and the across my terrestrial self at the same time, as if it started leaving in an non-euclidean space time continuum, where regular rules of out earthly domain do not matter as innocence proves nothing in a gaming future of constant, hateful warfare.
It is the day of surprises and ending and endless driving across the bare Istrian wasteland of rolling hills and idyllic, void filled, villages and townships.
After two hundred and some kilometers I can proudly and tiredly say that I had three presentations today in two different counties in two different regions and two different towns.
The first two were an introduction in Functional testing of web applications with Selenium 1.0 and a sneak peak of the web driver run Selenium 2.0 (which I wrote in Java on Ubuntu). The second was a more advanced presentation of the same topic where I've generated .NET unit test form Selenium IDE and then executed them inside MonoDevelop again on Ubuntu with NUnit and the test worked. Yey me.
The third presentation was the most taxing of all. In Rijeka for the monthly SQL/Dev user group meeting at the Maritime University of Rijeka I've held an introductory session about WCF RIA Services. In all I think the sessions went well. I've made some mistakes with my slides which I will correct for next time and the low point was my virtual machine which literally broke and wouldn't function right so my code example didn't really show in good light.
There was around twenty people in the room and I had a really good time. I've held a mixed presentation where I talked from slide and draw ad hoc UML diagrams on a chalkboard with sliding panels. I've talked with the audience and there was really a lot of questions which I really liked.
Latter we went to an old fashioned, communist style, drinking place where we had a blast talking with each other.
So long my dear fellows, sleep awaits my tired, tired mind.